How to cancel MTN CallerTunez subscription – 100% Working
In this article you will learn step-by-step methods on how to cancel Mtn CallerTunez subscription on your MTN sim.
MTN Caller Tune is a service provided to MTN subscribers to have a unique and personal sound to their ring-back tones.
It helps to add a sense of personality to users’ calls by allowing customers to entertain their callers with music and other voice tones when they call you.
This means that when a person calls you as an MTN user, they get to enjoy songs or other sound beats of your choice that you subscribe for.
There are other CallerTunez bundle categories such as Today in History, Caller Tunes Trivia, and Lyrics RBT.
The cost for subscription is 100 Naira weekly and 200 Naira for a month.
Sometimes there is a need for you to unsubscribe from the package.
This could be because you are tired of the sound or because you do not want to pay anymore.
In this article, you will learn the simple methods to cancel your Mtn caller tune plan subscription and deactivate the plan. These methods include SMS, USSD, and MyMTN app.
How To Cancel Mtn CallerTunez Using SMS
SMS method allows you to use your mobile phone messaging app to cancel your subscription. The following are the steps to take;
- Open your phone messaging application.
- Compose a text by typing in NO or CANCEL
- Send the message to 4100
- You will get a confirmation that you have unsubscribed from Caller Tune.
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How To Cancel Mtn Caller Tune Using USSD code.
USSD method allows you to deactivate MTN Caller Tune by dialing in a code on your phone dialer.
This method is quick and easy it use, it does not need an internet connection to work Here is the process to follow;
- Open your phone dialer
- Dial *123#
- Click on 5 (My services) from the list of displayed items
- Follow the prompts on your phone screen to navigate the cancel option.
- Confirm your selection to deactivate your CallerTunez service.
How To Cancel Mtn Caller Tunes Using USSD code 2 (an alternative method)
- Dial *305*2# on your phone dialer
- Click on 1 (Top Service)
- Then select 4 (Caller Tune)
- Choose the CANCEL option to stop the caller tune service.
- You may have to confirm your cancellation request by selecting “OK’
How To Cancel Mtn CallerTune Using Mymtn Mobile App
For this method, you need to have my MTNNG, MTN mobile application, on your phone.
MTN mobile application allows users to opt in and out of different MTN services subscriptions CallerTunez included.
You have to install from app stores like Google PlayStore and log in to the mobile app before you can use this method. The following are the steps to follow;
Click Here to Download MyMtn App
- After you are logged in to the mobile app
- Click on the big yellow button with the plus(+) sign
- Select “manage subscription” to check your active subscription
- Select CallerTunez as an active subscription
- Navigate this section to cancel your subscription.
Other Alternative Method to Cancel Mtn Callertunez subscription
MTN customer support assistance information
In case you were unable to cancel your subscription by yourself or you encountered any issues during the cancellation process, you can contact MTN customer support for help through phone calls, email, or messages to social media platforms for support.
Below is the list of MTN contact information;
- Phone number; dial 300 from your MTN number
- 2. Email; send an email to [email protected]
- Social media: you can reach out to MTN on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram or chat with Zigi on WhatsApp and Telegram.
All you have to do is to explain the issue you are currently experiencing, and a solution will be provided by the consumer care service.
In conclusion
Now that you know how to cancel MTN CallerTunez subscription in many easy methods, check out our other articles on network providers in Nigeria.
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